After all the weeks of waiting for publishers and editors I decided to withdraw one of my projects and do not publish it anymore… because it took simply way too long and there was no commitment from the editor´s side. I felt totally stressed by the waiting for a reply and asking and waiting again. I did not feel cherished as an academic and my work was not valued. But then, after another two unanswered emails and phone calls and my withdrawal, a different editor took over. I finally have a contract signed by the other side (I signed mine already some time ago… but as I said… waiting for reply). And the new editor worked asap, to get some stuff going on Friday, before the weekend. I am relived and I slept again.
As for another project: For some reasons I do not know, my publication was postponed indefinitely. I find this very sad, because it was a lot of work. Not only the writing but also sending emails back and forth to explain the technician at the company the craft of academic writing. Anyways. I really hope it will be published at some point.
And the third project I always mentioned the last months is almost finished from the publisher´s side. But since the editor is doing summer vacations in July, I learned already it will not be published before August. Oh boy.
Besides all this, I finished another writing project, started a new academic one and got the offer for some more writing in fall. Also, I helped a colleague from Maastricht this week with his planed study and had virtual meetings with Toronto, too. I also spoke with colleagues in Calgary to get my new research going (a new new) 😊.
Unfortunately, I had to fire one author I was working with in my position as external editor. Really a pity but I came to the point I decided it is easier and less time consuming to do the writing simply myself.
When I was still a student and just finished my MA thesis, I thought I could offer my Hausarbeiten (termpapers) and my MA thesis via an online platform. I lost the access for this account for years and also did not pay any attention to it for about 10 years. This week I decided I want to get rid of the legacy and reached out to the platform. They needed verification and it took some time, but now I have access again and my Hausarbeiten are erased from that platform. I did not do it because I feel bad with, they are just not state of the art anymore. So, I am glad this is done.
As for world politics: The impacts on my friends and colleagues are huge, no break, the entire time. It certainly affects me, too. I am wondering if we all will find a way to refill our batteries soon.
At least the weather forecast promises some sun shine! I cannot wait for heat and dryness. For ice cream and ice cubes in my drink, for BBQ and summer nights. Since I am located in Northern Germany and we usually do not have summer in my understanding, my last summer days were in June 2023 when I spent 5 days in beloved Israel. But it is about time, summer solstice passed already.
BTW talking about… Stonehenge comes to my mind. And so, the people who almost destroyed it because they believe it makes sense to throw orange powder on it to underline their stubborn conviction. Well,, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprache e. V. (German Language Society) has declared the term "Unwort des Jahres 2022" (Unword of the Year 2022), because it has a pejorative connotation. But I think it fits perfectly: Climate Terrorists.
I have no understanding for them. I have no understanding why some people believe their personal opinions are so important that it is allowed, or that they have any kind stupid obligation, for rising above others, attacking world cultural heritage and almost destroying it... WORLD cultural heritage... do you notice anything? This is about so much more than just your personal opinion. We, the heirs of the world, are so much more than you. How can it be that you think you are allowed to do this? A little more humility before the builders and their knowledge at least 3000 years before our era would be appropriate.